Art Deco & Today’s Posters

Art History

Art Deco is decorative art style that uses precise and bold geometric shapes and curves, as well as strong colors and lines. Now I’m not a big fan of Art Deco, but I can’t deny the fact that Art Deco works have the ability to bring back the “Roarin’ 20s” look and feel. It’s very retro! Be it architecture, posters or patterns, the Art Deco style reflects the playfulness and merriment of the 1920s’ that continued up until World War II. We can still see Art Deco in places like the Chrysler Building in New York and Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles. But in the world of poster design, it reemerged with period films like The Artist in 2011, and then with The Great Gatsby remake in 2013. Both of these movies are heavily influenced by Art Deco since they take place during height of this movement. As a result, this is reflected in their respective posters. The movie poster for The Artist features a condensed decorative typeface that is similar to other Art Deco typefaces. The posters for The Great Gatsby show the dramatic curves and the strong lines that define Art Deco. This is also mirrored in the typeface as well. The text is bold and blocky, and connected to the rest of the poster by the mirrored vertical and curved lines in the letterforms. Both of these posters give off a rich and retro feel to them. However, I find that The Great Gatsby emulates the Art Deco style more because of the setting and the plot.


Images from Google